Ride Safe, Ride Protected: Essential Insurance for Rideshare Drivers | Craven Insurance Advisors

Ride Safe, Ride Protected

Essential Insurance for Rideshare Drivers
The Ridesharing Gap

Millions of Americans rely on ridesharing platforms like Uber and Lyft to earn a living. These companies do provide some basic insurance coverage while you're on a trip with a passenger. However, significant gaps exist that leave you vulnerable in other situations. Standard auto insurance policies typically aren't designed for the unique use case of ridesharing. They may not provide coverage during crucial periods when you're logged into the app and waiting for a request, or they may offer limited protection in case of an accident or injury.

Waiting Periods

You're not technically covered while logged into the app waiting for a ride request.

Limited Personal Injury

PIP coverage for medical expenses can be insufficient in case of an accident.


This may not adequately cover medical bills if the at-fault driver has limited insurance.

These coverage gaps can leave you financially exposed in case of accidents, injuries, or even violent incidents. At Craven Insurance Advisors, we understand the specific needs of rideshare drivers. We offer comprehensive ridesharing insurance solutions that seamlessly integrate with your existing auto insurance policy, providing peace of mind throughout your workday.


Peace of mind that you're covered from the moment you log onto the app until you go offline.

Enhanced PIP

Higher coverage limits to ensure your medical expenses are covered in case of an accident.

Contingent C&C

This covers damage to your vehicle even when you're not using it for ridesharing purposes.


Increased protection if you're involved in an accident with a driver who has limited or no insurance.

Why Choose Us?

We're committed to empowering rideshare drivers with the peace of mind they deserve. Here's why you should choose us. Our agents are well-versed in the intricacies of ridesharing insurance and can help you find the perfect plan that fits your specific needs and budget. We work with multiple insurance carriers to secure the most competitive rates for ridesharing coverage. Our team is always here to answer your questions, guide you through the claims process, and ensure you receive the support you deserve.


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